A Pseudomonas stutzeri outer membrane protein inserts copper into N2O reductase

Among a set of frameshift mutagen (ICR-191; Polysciences, Inc.)-induced mutations that confer inability to grow anaerobically with N2O as the sole electron acceptor, one class was found that produced an inactive N2O reductase which lacked copper. All of these mutant strains failed to produce a 61,000-Mr protein located in the outer membrane. This protein, termed NosA, seems not to be responsible for bringing copper into the cell because the mutant strains and their parent were similarly sensitive to the copper content of the growth medium and no intermediate copper concentration in the medium permitted the mutant strains (nosA) to grow anaerobically with N2O as the sole electron acceptor. We conclude that NosA is necessary to insert copper into N2O reductase or to maintain it there.