Ductile rupture of aluminum sheet materials

This study deals with ductile tearing of Aluminum 2024 sheets. Tensile tests were conducted on smooth and notched specimens. They show that the plastic behavior is anisotropic. The crack path is slanted on moderately notched specimens whereas a normal to slant fracture transition is observed on severely notched samples. The damage behavior is modeled using the Rousselier model extended to account for plastic anisotropy. It is shown that the stress triaxiality can reach values up to 1.6. This shows, together with the slanted crack path, the importance of a 3D modeling. As these calculations require a large computational capacity, a relatively coarse mesh was used so that the load is overestimated. The experimental load could be reproduced changing the material parameters; in this case normal fracture is obtained. A finer mesh should be used to obtain simultaneously the correct crack path and load. To model cracking in large structures, a 2D plane stress cohesive zone model is used.

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