This is the first of a series of papers which describe the functional-integral approach to the study of the statistical and kinetic properties of nonequilibrium quantum fields in flat and curved spacetimes. In this paper we treat a system of self-interacting bosons described by λφ4 scalar fields in flat space. We adopt the closed-time-path (CTP or ‘‘in-in’’) functional formalism and use a two-particle irreducible (2PI) representation for the effective action. These formalisms allow for a full account of the dynamics of quantum fields, and put the correlation functions on an equal footing with the mean fields. By assuming a thermal distribution we recover the real-time finite-temperature theory as a special case. By requiring the CTP effective action to be stationary with respect to variations of the correlation functions we obtain an infinite set of coupled equations which is the quantum-field-theoretical generalization of the Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon (BBGKY) hierarchy. Truncation of this series leads to dissipative characteristics in the subsystem. In this context we discuss the nature of dissipation in interacting quantum fields.