Virtual prototyping of embedded microcontroller-based DSP systems

The authors propose a new hardware/software codesign process that is based on a design methodology called Virtual Prototyping, wherein VHDL models of hardware components are integrated with application, control, and diagnostic software to rapidly prototype complex multiboard embedded microcontroller-based DSP systems. We discuss this new methodology, compare the process with current system design practice, and describe the improvement in engineering prototyping practice that results.A case study describes a collaboration between Lockheed Sanders, Hughes Avionics Corp., Motorola, and the DSP Laboratory at Georgia Tech, under the auspices of US Department of Defense's ARPA RASSP program, that resulted in the successful virtual prototyping of a 4-GFLOP Infrared Search and Track (IRST) demonstration avionics system. In this study, HW/SW integration and system test completion times are shown to be reduced from the typical industry figure of 10-24 months to less than a month.

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