Osteochondrosis in six breeds of slaughter pigs

Coefficients of correlation have been calculated between morphological lesion scores of osteochondrosis that were made on the bones of porcine fore and hind limbs and some carcass characteristics. It was found that carcass length, as well as the relative weights of the hams were significantly correlated with the lesions that were observed in the proximal site of the femur and the medial femoral condyle. Despite these significant correlations, the values of the correlation coefficients were too small to be of any use for selection purposes. This applies the whole animal population, consisting of 6 breeds of pigs. It is shown that the coefficients of correlation between the morphological lesion scores of the femur and the relative weights of the hams in some of the individual breeds were much higher, implying a possibility for the prediction of osteochondrosis based on carcass characteristics.

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