Comparative Value of Dry and Liquid Hemicellulose Extract and Liquid Cane Molasses for Lactating Dairy Cows

Interest has recently developed in using wood by-products in ruminant feeds. Hemicellulose extract (HCE) is a by-product of hard-board production and has a total carbohydrate content of ca. 55% (10% simple sugars and a 37% mixture of pentosans and hexosans). Grain rations containing 10% liquid cane molasses, liquid HCE or dry HCE were compared using 3 groups of 5 cows each in 5 3 x 3 latin squares where each period was 5 weeks. The 3 groups of cows responded to changes in rations similarly with no statistically significant differences among the 3 rations in milk production, milk composition, grain intake, palatability, hay intake, or body weight. Either liquid or dry HCE when comprising 10% of the grain ration was equal to cane molasses for lactating dairy cows.