Introduction Macroglobulins have, in recent years, been identified as normal constituents of human blood serum. Macroglobulinemia has been recognized in association with neoplastic, collagen, and chronic infectious diseases. There remains, however, a group of patients with the findings of macroglobulinemia unassociated with these entities. Ultracentrifugal, immunophoretic, and viscosity studies have provided further clarification of this disorder. The patients below illustrate two clinical types of primary macroglobulinemia. Of interest is the fact that the disease developed while both patients were under medical observation. In both, the macroglobulinemia was of the uncommon cryogelglobulinemia variety. Report of Cases Case 1. —A 55-year-old Turkish-born white American seaman was admitted to the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, Galveston, Texas, on Sept. 17, 1957, with weakness, dyspnea, and cough of one month's duration. There was no associated hemoptysis or pedal edema. There was a past history of asthma and a subtotal gastrectomy and gastrojejunostomy performed in