Raman dial measurements of stratospheric ozone in the presence of volcanic aerosols

Since the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in June, 1991, measurements of atmospheric species which depend on Rayleigh scattering of radiation, have been severely compromised where the volcanic aerosol cloud exists. For the GSFC stratospheric ozone lidar, this has meant that ozone determination has been impossible below approximately 30 km. The GSFC lidar has been modified to detect Raman scattering from nitrogen molecules from transmitted laser wavelengths. The instrument transmits two laser wavelengths at 308 nm and 351 nm, and detects returns at four wavelengths; 308 nm, 332 nm, 351 nm, and 382 nm. Using this technique in conjunction with the Rayleigh DIAL measurement, ozone profiles have been measured between 15 and 50 km.