Obtaining more accurate Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass measurements without internal standards using multiply charged ions

Space-charge effects produce frequency shifts in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry and correction for these shifts is necessary for obtaining accurate mass measurements. We report a novel method for obtaining accurate mass calibration to correct for space-charge induced mass shifts without the requirement for internal calibrants. The new approach is particularly well suited for electrospray ionization-FTICR mass spectra that contain multiple charge states of the same molecular species. This method, deconvolution of Coulombic affected linearity (DeCAL), is described and presented with several examples demonstrating the increased mass measurement accuracy obtained. DeCAL provides the basis for more routinely obtaining higher mass accuracy measurements in conjunction with chromatographic separations for complex mixture analysis, and obviates the need for internal calibration in many applications.

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