Potential effects of Thiram on medicago ‐ R. meliloti symbiotic association†

The effects of Thiram and 2 commercial Thiram formulations on the growth and respiration of rhizobia were tested to compare the extent of bacteriostasis under controlled conditions. Although bacteriostasis was measurable at all concentrations tested, liquid cultures grew to maximum optical density in Thiram suspensions containing less than 10 μg/ml. Percentage germination, root elongation, and subsequent nodulation by R. meliloti of 2 cultivars of alfalfa, were determined in thiram suspensions to determine potential physiological effects of the fungicide on the host plant. Conditions were identified which produced enhancement or inhibition of germination, root elongation and development of nodular nitrogenase activity. At concentrations of the fungicide recommended for seed application, only minor, temporary bacteriostasis was observed as a possible negative effect while germination rates of fungi‐contaminated seed were markedly increased.