Hemagglutinin of Type 4 Adeno-Associated Satellite Virus

Summary: The mixture of type 4 defective adeno-associated satellite virus and its simian helper adenovirus was found to have a high hemagglutinating (HA) activity, particularly with type O human erythrocytes at 4°C. This activity was inhibited by antiserum against the satellite but was virtually unchanged after treatment with adenovirus antiserum. Satellite-free simian adenovirus had a low level of HA activity itself, which could be completely inhibited by homologous adenovirus antiserum. Growth cycle studies showed that the increase of HA activity coincided with the rise of satellite infectivity. After density gradient centrifugation, bands which consisted of high concentrations of satellite particles alone also showed high HA activity. These results indicate that HA activity is a property of the type 4 adeno-associated satellite virus.