Solar Neutrinos from theHe3(p, e+ν)He4Reaction

An upper limit to the cross section for the reaction He3(p, e+ν)He4 is calculated by comparing its matrix element with the matrix element of the He3(n, γ)He4 reaction, for which an experimental upper limit of 100 μb has been obtained. Expressing the cross section in the form σβ=(SEp)exp(2πη), where Ep is the center-of-momentum proton energy and η=2×3Me242kp with kp the relative proton wave number, we get a value for the constant S of S3.7×1020 keV b, as against the older value of 6.3×1018 keV b. This result indicates that the He3(p, e+ν)He4 reaction is a negligible source of solar neutrinos compared to the B8 decay.

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