There are very few eyes with the ocular histoplasmosis syndrome that have been studied as such by the ophthalmic pathologist. Hoefnagels and Pijpers [6] were the first to demonstrate H. capsulatum in the human eye. However, this was a case of endophthalmitis and not the clinically observe syndrome. Klintworth et. al. [7] demonstrated the organism histologically in granulomatous choroiditis occurring in dissemiated histoplasmosis. The hot was compromised immunologically, and this again is somewhat different from the typical clinical situation. The histopathological material available for study was derived from the eyes of patients enucleated after the diagnosis of malanoma at the AFIP, nd from autopsy material from the Wilmer Institute. These five cases have a number of findings in common. The atrophic scars and punched-out sponts in the periphery and elsewhere correlate with an absence of the pigment epithelium. The degree of inflammation, usually lymphocyte infiltration, can be variable...