Cell retention culture with an internal filter module: Continuous ethanol fermentation

A new internal filter feedback system with a stainless steel filter was introduced and its application for continuous ethanol fermentation was investigated. The filter performance was highly influenced by agitation speed and yeast concentration. Retention coefficient with a filter of 2 μm pore size was found more than 97.5%, and the filter was suitable for yeast separation. Maximum yeast concentration was 157 g/L and the best operable cell concentration was between 90 and 150 g/L. Which was similar to that obtained in the external membrane cell recycle culture. The cell concentration in the fermentor was maintained by manipulation of dilution rate and bleed ratio with the growth rate. The internal filter feedback system was successfully operated for more than 10 days. This study shows that the internal filter feedback system with a stainless steel filter can be used high‐density cell culture and ethanol fermentation. Furthermore, it can be scaled up more easily than the external cell recycle system. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.