Lactase activity is present at high levels in the small intestine of some human adults and not others. This is due to a genetically determined polymorphism which affects the developmental regulation of the expression of the lactase gene. This polymorphism is of considerable interest in relation to cultural differences in nutrition but despite exhaustive studies, the molecular basis has not yet been found. It has not even been shown whether the sequence differences reside within or adjacent to the lactase gene itself or in a trans-acting factor. We have therefore exploited known DNA ‘marker’ polymorphisms within the exons of the lactase gene to examine the expression of the individual lactase mRNA transcripts from persistent and non-persistent individuals in order to determine whether the regulation is in cis or trans. Our results show that in certain lactase persistent individuals one allele of the lactase gene is expressed at much lower levels than the other and these individuals tend to have intermediate lactase activities. It is proposed that these people are heterozygous for the lactase persistence and non-persistence alleles and that this means that the nucleotide substitutions responsible for the lactase persistence/non-persistence poly morphism are cis-acting. This narrows down consid erably the area of the genome that needs to be searched for the relevant sequence differences.