The ef-fect of desiccated thyroid in simplified (casein-corn starch) rat diets deficient in sodium and/or potassium on the metabolism of cesium-134 was studied using a total of 64 rats. Each rat was fed its respective diet for 7 days before receiving subcutaneously 5 uc. of cesium-134 chloride. A 72-hour balance! trial was made. A weight loss was noted whenever desiccated thyroid was fed or dietary potassium was absent from the diet. Dietary potassium tended to increase excretion of cesium-134 and reduce the cesium-134 content of the tissues. Desiccated thyroid increased excretion of cesium-134 on all diets. In general, the cesium-134 content of the muscle tissue was increased and that of the liver tissue decreased when desiccated thyroid was added to the diet.