Architecture of the Adenovirus Capsid

Smith, Kendall O. (Baylor University College of Medicine, Houston, Tex.), Warren D. Gehle, and Melvin D. Trousdale . Architecture of the adenovirus capsid. J. Bacteriol. 90: 254–261. 1965.—The capsids of adenovirus type 2 were fragmented by treatment with low concentrations of sodium lauryl sulfate. The clusters of capsomeres resulting from this treatment displayed characteristic patterns. Some of these clusters, each consisting of nine capsomeres, interlocked so as to form the triangular facets of the viral icosahedron. There is some evidence which suggests that the capsomeres are connected to each other by filamentous structures located near their bases. Connections between capsomeres along the edges and at the vertices of the triangular facets were the first to break when particles were treated with sodium lauryl sulfate. Further treatment broke connections between other capsomeres. These data provide additional information concerning the capsomere arrangements and the fine structure of adenoviruses.