Translation of chloroplast-encoded mRNA: potential initiation and termination signals

A survey of 196 protein-coding chloroplast DNA sequences demonstrated the preference for AUG and UAA codons for initiation and termination of translation, respectively. As in prokaryotes at every nucleotide position from -25 to +25 (AUG is +1 to +3) and for 25 nucleotides 5'' and 3'' to the termination codon an A or U is predominant, except for C at +5 and G at +22. A Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence (GGAGG or tri- or tetranucleotide variant) was found within 100 bp 5'' to the AUG codon in 92% of the genes. In 40% of these cases, the location of the SD sequence was similar to that of the consensus for prokaryotes (-12 to -7 5'' to AUG), presumed to be optimal for translation initiation. A SD sequence could not be located in 6% of the chloroplast sequences. We propose that mRNA secondary structures may be required for the relocation of a distal SD sequences to within the optimal region (-12 to -7) for initiation of translation. We further suggest that termination at UGA codons in chloroplast genes may occur by a mechanism, involving 16S rRNA secondary structure, which has been proposed for UGA termination in Escherichia coli.