Consider a quantum computer in combination with a binary oracle of domain size N. It is shown how N/2+/spl radic/N calls to the oracle are sufficient to guess the whole content of the oracle (being an N bit string) with probability greater than 95%. This contrasts the power of classical computers which would require N calls to achieve the same task. From this result it follows that any function with the N bits of the oracle as input can be calculated using N/2+/spl radic/N queries if we allow a small probability of error. It is also shown that this error probability can be made arbitrary small by using N/2+O(/spl radic/N) oracle queries. In the second part of the article 'approximate interrogation' is considered. This is when only a certain fraction of the N oracle bits are requested. Also for this scenario does the quantum algorithm outperform the classical protocols. An example is given where a quantum procedure with N/10 queries returns a string of which 80% of the bits are correct. Any classical protocol would need 6N/10 queries to establish such a correctness ratio.

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