Human Ovarian Grafts onto the Chorio--Allantoic Membrane of Developing Chick Embryos.

Human ovarian tissue obtained at operation was placed in saline solution containing penicillin and streptomycin and promptly grafted onto the chorio-allantoic membrane of developing chick embryos by the "false air sac technic". The eggs were sacrificed daily beginning 3 days after implant and the grafts studied histo-logically. Vascularization of the graft by capillaries of the chorio-allantois occurs approx. 4 days after grafting. The more "specialized" elements of the ovarian tissue degenerate while the stromal elements survive (grow?). Vascular connection is established between the capillary sprouts from the chorio-allantois and the pre-existing vessels within the grafted tissue. As hatching age is approached, the grafts appear to provoke a foreign body response and degeneration of the graft begins. Successful grafts of human endometrial tissue were obtained only after antibiotic drugs were avoided in prepn. of the grafts.