CD19 signalling improves the Epstein–Barr virus‐induced immortalization of human B cell

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection in vitro immortalizes primary B cells and generates B lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). These EBV-LCLs have been used for several purposes in immunological and genetic studies, but some trials involving these transformations fail for unknown reasons, and several EBV-LCLs do not grow in normal culture. In this study, we improved the immortalization method by CD19 and B-cell receptor (BCR) co-ligation. This method shortens the time required for the immortalization and generation of EBV-LCLs but does not alter the cell phenotype of the LCLs nor the expression of the EBV genes. In particular, the CD19 and BCR co-ligation method was found to be the most effective method examined. EBV-infected B cells induced by CD19 and/or BCR ligation expressed the intracellular latent membrane protein LMP-1 earlier than EBV-infected B cells, and the expression of intracellular LMP-1 was found to be closely related to the time of immortalization. These results suggest that the modified method, using CD19 and/or BCR ligation, may efficiently generate EBV-LCLs, by expressing intracellular LMP-1 at an early stage.