Spin relaxation of optically pumped Rb85 and Rb87 atoms colliding with light-noble-gas atoms is shown to be strongly influenced by an anomalous relaxation process which we attribute to the formation and destruction of bound and quasibound Van der Waals molecules. The anomalous relaxation rate has been measured and analyzed in Ne, complementing an earlier study in He. Relative rates of formation of complexes in two- and three-body collisions have been determined. The correlation time for the quasimolecular interaction in Rb-Ne has been found to be 6.7 × 1010 p1 sec, where p is the Ne pressure in Torr. Nuclear-spin-independent cross sections for the relaxation of Sz in sudden binary collisions of Rb atoms with noble-gas atoms have been measured to be (units of 1024 cm2: σ(RbHe)=3.1 σ(RbNe)=19 σ(RbAr)=630 σ(RbN2)=83. Relaxation in sudden binary collisions is shown to follow the theoretically expected nuclear spin dynamics: two relaxation rates in the ratios 8:1 for Rb87 and 18:1 for Rb85 have been measured. Diffusion coefficients of Rb in the various buffer gases have been measured to be (units of cm2/ sec, at 305°K): D0(RbHe)=0.42, D0(RbNe)=0.235, D0(RbAr)=0.16, D0(RbN2)=0.16. Nuclear-spin-independent cross sections for the relaxation of Jz in the 5P122 state of Rb have been measured to be 3.4 × 1016 cm2 for Rb-He, and 5.9 × 1016 cm2 for Rb-Ne. Anomalies, disagreements, and puzzles occurring in earlier measurements of ground-state relaxation in Rb are shown to be largely resolved when considered in the light of the new results.