Minute gastric cancers less than 5 mm in diameter

Minute gastric cancers with maximum dimensions of less than 5 mm were studied clinicopathologically. There were 49 intramucosal cancers among 46 patients and nine submucosal cancers among nine patients. No lymph node metastasis was found. Macroscopically, eight (13.8%) were elevated, 12 (20.7%) were flat, and 38 (65.5%) were depressed. Most submucosal cancers were of the depressed type (8/9, 88.9%). Classification of cancers according to association with other large cancers into single group (22 cases) and multiple group (33 cases) revealed that (1) the majority of the minute gastric cancers (20/22, 90.9%) in the single group were the depressed type and (2) submucosal cancers in the single group were 8/22, accounting for 36.4%, a much higher incidence as compared with 1/36 (2.9%) in the multiple group. These facts indicate that gastric cancers should be detected when they are about 5 mm in maximum dimension and before they invade beyond the submucosal layer, especially in single and depressed type.