Chromosome Preparations from Mouse Embryos During Early Organogenesis: Dissociation After Fixation, Followed by Air Drying

Embryos are put into 1% sodium citrate at 37 C; 7– and 8-day specimens requiring about 20 min. With increasing age, the duration of treatment is increased up to 50 min. Handling is facilitated by keeping specimens in a small glass vessel for observation under a binocular microscope, and by changing fluids with a fine-tipped pipette. Fixation in ethanol-acetic acid 3:l for 2–3 hr is uncritical, as material may be stored in the fixative overnight at 4 C. Staining in toto with 2% orcein in 50% acetic acid follows, requiring 0.5–1 hr (storage in this solution up to 2 wk at 4 C is permssible). After staining, specimens are subjected to cellular dissociation in a mixture of glacial acetic and 50% lactic acid, the action of which is controlled by the duration of treatment and by increasing the ratio of lactic to acetic from 1:Z (younger embryos) to 3:2 (older embryos). Only 1–3 drops of the dissociating fluid is used for each embryo, to favor concentration of the free-floating cells. Since the time required varies from several minutes to nearly an hour, the most favorable degree of dissociation can best be judged by the cloudiness produced in the dissociating fluid. A small drop not exceeding 2 mm in diameter, of the cell suspension, is placed on a slide and followed immediately by a normal-sized drop of fresh 3:1 ethanol-acetic. After drying, the chromosomes are stained with lactic-acetic-orcein or other suitable stain. The method gives satisfactory results with embryos from the 7th to 11th day of pregnancy.