Induction and decay of human fibroblast interferon mRNA.

Polyadenylylated interferon mRNA, obtained from induced human fibroblasts, was quantitatively assayed by synthesis of biologically active human interferon in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The assay for interferon mRNA was used to distinguish between various hypotheses relating to interferon induction and biosynthesis. The data demonstrate that on induction with poly(I-poly(C) human fibroblasts accumulate interferon mRNA for 1-1.5 hr, after which time the mRNA is rapidly degraded with a half-life (t 1/2) of 18 min. Treatment of cells with cycloheximide prolongs the period of accumulation to 3 hr and decreases the rate of mRNA inactivation (t 1/2 = 49 min). Treatment with actinomycin D decreases the rate of inactivation still further (t 1/2 = 68 min). A comparison of cellular interferon synthesis with the relative amounts of interferon m RNA after simple induction or inductionin the presence of the inhibitors (superinduction) indicated a general correlation. Thus, on induction, the genes for interferon are activated to produce a transcript for a short time. The superinducing treatments prolong the period of accumulation and decrease the rate of degradation of this transcript.