Abnormal Electroretinogram in Cocaine-Dependent Patients

Background: The retina contains high concentrations of dopamine. We previously reported that recently withdrawn cocaine-dependent patients had significantly reduced blue cone b wave amplitude responses on the electroretinogram (ERG). In this study we wished to examine if there was a relationship between cocaine craving and reduced blue cone b wave ERG responses.Methods: A series of 14 recently withdrawn cocaine-dependent patients completed a 45-item cocaine craving questionnaire shortly before the ERG.Results: Cocaine dependent patients who had a reduced (b wave ERG response had significantly higher cocaine craving scores than patients without a reduced blue cone ERG response. There was also a significant negative correlation between blue cone b wave amplitude responses and scores on the cocaine craving questionnaire.Conclusion: A reduced blue cone b wave ERG response may identify recently withdrawn cocaine-dependent patients with biological dysregulation and increased cocaine craving.