Increased activity of the Na-K-ATPase in red cell-ghosts of patients with Cushing's Syndrome: Possible significance for the pathogenesis of glucocorticoid-induced hypertension

The Na-K-ATPase activity of erythrocyte ghosts was increased in 6 patients with Cushing's syndrome compared with 28 control subjects (0.986±0.291 versus 0.259±0.1 µM Pi·h−1·mg−1,pi·h−1·mg−1,p<0.001). Die Strophan-thininsensible Mg-ATPase war bei beiden Gruppen gleich. Der Befund spricht für eine Aktivierung der Natriumpumpe an den Zellmembranen von Patienten mit Glukokortikoidexceß.

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