Thirty extracts of twenty medicinal plants have been screened for their anti-implantation activity in female rats. 50% ethanolic and methanolic extracts of Pueraria tuberosa DC (tubers) exhibited 88.8% and 85.5% anti-implantation activity. 50% ethanolic extract of Deutzia corymbosa Br. (PX), Gnaphalium indicum L. (PL); acetone extract of Ephedera gerardiana Wall. (PL), Geranium lucidum L. (PL), Juniperus communis L. (SD) and methanolic extract of Achyranthes aspera L. (RT) inhibited pregnancy in 60% of rats. Similarly, 50% ethanolic, benzene, acetone extracts of Piper longum L. (FR), acetone extract of Platanus orientalis L. (BK-LF), aqueous and methanolic extracts of Punica granatum L. (RT) and acetone extract of Achyranthes aspera L. (RT) prevented implantation in 50% of rats.