Loss of Nuclear Gene Expression during the Phytochrome A-Mediated Far-Red Block of Greening Response

We have examined the expression of the HEMA1 gene, which encodes the key chlorophyll synthesis enzyme glutamyl-tRNA reductase, during the phytochrome A-mediated far-red light (FR) block of greening response in Arabidopsis. Our results demonstrate that the FR block of greening comprises two separate responses: a white light (WL) intensity-independent response that requires 3 d of FR and is associated with a loss of expression of the nuclear genesHEMA1 and Lhcb following the transfer to WL (transcriptionally coupled response) and a WL intensity-dependent response that is induced by 1 d of FR and is transcriptionally uncoupled. Both responses required phytochrome A. The transcriptionally uncoupled response correlated with a deregulation of tetrapyrrole synthesis and potential photooxidative damage and was inhibited by cytokinin. The transcriptionally coupled FR response was additive with the loss of expression following Norflurazon-induced photobleaching and was absent in the presence of sucrose or after lower fluence rate (1 μmol m−2 s−1) FR treatments. Both pathways leading to the loss of nuclear gene expression were inhibited by overexpression of NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase, indicating a role for plastid signaling in the FR-mediated pathway. The significance of identifying a distinct phytochrome A-mediated plastid signaling pathway is discussed.