From spectral transmittance curves of very large samples of CO2 we have determined coefficients for intrinsic absorption and pressure-induced absorption from approximately 1130/cm to 1835/cm. Most of the pressure-induced absorption arises from the forbidden v1 and 2v2 bands of the O16C12O18 molecule. Curves of the absorption coefficients for samples of CO2 pressurized to approximately 10 atm, or more, with He are presented throughout most of the region from 1885/cm to 2132/cm. These curves and a table of the integrated absorption coefficient are adequate to determine the strengths of most of the bands of significance in this region. Spectral transmittance curves of CO2 absorption between approximately 2065/cm and 2100/cm are presented for a variety of samples. Curves of the pressure-induced absorption by N2 are presented for the 2400-2650/cm region.