Condom use due to the risk of AIDS: Trends in the general population of Sweden. Claes Herlitz. Department of Social Medicine, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden. This study examines the use of condoms due to the risk of AIDS in the general population of Sweden during 1986–1989. The study is based on annual mail surveys (1986–1989) of random population samples aged 16–44 years -4000 individuals in each sample. The response rate was 71%. The study indicates that the use of condoms increased significantly during the first years of the study period, particularly among 18–24-year-olds. Roughly the same tendency was observed regarding the perception of personal risk related to HIV infection. In 1988 a positive connection was established between condom use and personal risk perception. Between 1988 and 1989 (as the public interest in the AIDS issue declined) no further increase in condom use was observed but rather a tendency of reversal towards previous levels. Having several sexual partners was not significantly associated with a more frequent use of condoms, nor was the occurrence of casual sexual contacts. In most of the casual sexual contacts reported condoms were not used.