Difference in the meq Gene between Oncogenic and Attenuated Strains of Marek's Disease Virus Serotype 1.

Serotype 1 strains of Marek's disease virus (MDV1), except attenuated vaccine strains, are known to cause lymphomas in visceral organs of infected chickens. To know additional genetic differences between oncogenic and nononcogenic MDV1, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to amplify the meq gene of the viral genome. In addition to the 1,062-bp band including the native meq open reading frame (ORF), a 1.2-kb band was amplified from the DNA sample prepared from chick embryo fibroblast infected with an attenuated strain, CVI988, but not with oncogenic strains. Sequence analysis of the 1.2-kb band showed that a 178-bp sequence was inserted to the meq ORF of CVI988. This ORF could encode for the Meq protein with a different transactivator domain. Southern blot analysis also confirmed the insertion of the 178-bp sequence in the meq ORF of CVI988. This insertion of 178-bp sequence may explain the reason why CVI988 is not oncogenic.