Magnetic Properties of GdxTh1−xCuAl and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in GdCuAl

The magnetic properties of the intermetallic compounds GdxTh1−xCuAl (0.2≤x≤1.0) are reported for temperatures between 2.1 and 300 K. These compounds become ferromagnetic at low temperatures. Curie temperatures and magnetic moments are derived. The paramagnetic Curie temperature varies quite anomalously with x. The variation is compared with that calculated in terms of the Ruderman‐Kittel‐Kasuya‐Yosida theory. In GdCuAl, the 27Al Knight shift was measured between 190 and 300 K. For the effective exchange constant Γ and the Fermi wave vector kF, values of +0.5 eV and 1.13 Å−1, respectively, were estimated.