Constraining anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking framework via ongoing muong2experiment at Brookhaven

The ongoing high precision E821 Brookhaven National Laboratory experiment on muon g2 is promising to probe a theory involving supersymmetry. We have studied the constraints on the minimal anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB) model using the current data of muon g2 from Brookhaven. A scenario of seeing no deviation from the standard model is also considered, within a 2σ limit of the combined error from the standard model result and the Brookhaven predicted uncertainty level. The resulting constraint is found to be complementary to what one obtains from bs+γ bounds within the AMSB scenario, since only a definite sign of μ is effectively probed via bs+γ. A few relevant generic features of the model are also described for disallowed regions of parameter space.