Hydrographic conditions off the northeast coast of Iceland in relation to meteorological factors

The relationship between oceanographical and meteorological variables off northeast Iceland is re-examined and analyzed statistically. The analysis confirms the previous hypothesis of a strong connection between the oceanographical conditions east of Langanes, northeast Iceland, and air temperature and N-S winds about 90 days prior to the observations. Since hydrographic conditions north of Iceland are known to depend largely on the influx of Atlantic Water from the Irminger Sea, and the average travel time of this water from the northwest coast to the region east of Langanes is about 3 months, this time lag corresponds closely to the expected one. The results of the numerical analysis indicate that the air temperature is a more important factor than the winds, although the hypothesis of an independent effect of the wind cannot be rejected. The effect of air temperature on the influx of Atlantic Water is believed to be indirect: air temperature variations leading to corresponding variations in horizontal density gradient across the shelf whereby the coastal circulation is affected. Some evidence for this is provided. DOI: 10.1111/j.2153-3490.1969.tb00436.x