A Modified Crossed Radioimmunoelectrophoretic Method for Determination of Allergen-Specific IgG Antibodies.

A crossed radioimmunoelectrophoretic (CRIE) method for detection of specific IgG antibodies in patients'' sera against horse hair and dander was developed. The unacceptably high nonspecific binding encountered when substituting 125I-labeled antihuman IgG for 125I-labeled antihuman IgE in an ordinary CRIE was eliminated by the combined use of 125I-labeled Protein A as detector, and F(ab'')2-fragments of the allergen-specific rabbit antibodies. The low background binding thus obtained makes the method useful for detection of specific IgG in sera where the ratio between specific and nonspecific IgG is low. Thus, the method should also be applicable to other antigen/allergen systems.

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