Ground State of the Magnetic Impurity Problem; Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Studies of Dilute Copper Alloys

We report here nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) studies of dilute alloys of Cu containing 3d transition-element impurities at temperatures above 0.03°K. The impurity contribution ΔH to the Cu63 NMR linewidth was measured in applied magnetic fields up to 50 kOe for CuFe and up to 11 kOe for CuCr, CuMn, and CuCo. The CuFe and CuCr alloys exhibit several remarkable features. First, ΔH is greatly reduced from the value expected from high-temperature linewidth measurements. Second, ΔH is linear in concentration and in field, but independent of temperature at low temperature. Thus ΔH does not follow a free-spin Brillouin function, but is well fitted by ΔHH proportional to (T+TK)1, where TK=14°K for CuFe and TK=1.4°K for CuCr. Both values agree with Kondo temperatures obtained by other methods. Third, ΔH is found to be proportional to previously published susceptibility data for CuFe alloys, indicating the persistence of Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) spin-density oscillations with magnitude proportional to Sz even for TTK. No evidence is seen for either a lnT or a T12 contribution to ΔH. The field dependence of ΔH(TTK) for CuFe and CuCr alloys changes slope at applied fields of 25 and 2.5 kOe, respectively, in disagreement with the calculation of Nam and Woo. the slope change is a factor of 2.5 for CuFe and 5 for CuCr. The effects of short-range order upon ΔH were studied in a 200-ppm CuMn alloy below the "ordering" temperature. The data show a large field-independent linewidth and are consistent with a saturation of the impurity spins along their local axis of quantization. We conclude that short-range magnetic order cannot lead to the effects seen in CuFe and CuCr. The field dependence of CuCo is consistent with TK>1000°K. An equation-of-motion calculation of the initial susceptibility χ and the spin polarization about the impurity σ(r), is presented. The theory is based upon the Kondo-Applebaum many-body singlet ground state of the magnetic impurity problem. For the static susceptibility, we find χ=χPauli+2g2μB2[43ln(DkTK)]kTK, and for the spin polarization near the impurity σ(r)=Sz[A(cos2kFr)(kFr)3+B((sinkFr)kFr)2]. The first term is the well-known RKKY spin-density oscillation. The second term arises from the polarization of the quasiparticle in an external field. Whereas the first term accounts for the field-dependent linewidths of CuFe and CuCr, the second term is negative definite, giving rise to an excess Knight shift. The excess Knight shifts for the Cu alloys and for V51 in AuV (0 to 10%) are calculated and found to be in reasonable agreement with experiment. This agreement supports the existence of the extended range of the quasiparticle polarization, and provides the first indirect measurement of the coherence length for the magnetic impurity problem.