Effects of Daily Oral Administration of Copper to Goats

Three goats were dosed orally with a 0.2 % aqueous copper sulphate solution. The dosing was 20 mg copper sulphate/kg body weight twice a day for 56 to 113 days. One of the goats accumulated substantial amounts of copper in the liver and developed two haemolytic crises. The two other goats showed only increased liver copper concentrations before they were killed. The results indicate that the goats were susceptible in varying degrees to repeated oral copper dosing, and that two of the goats were significantly less susceptible to copper than sheep. The goat that turned into a haemolytic crisis showed changes similar to those seen in sheep as far as blood and plasma parameters are concerned. The gross and histological lesions were also mainly of the same type as described in sheep. The hepatic lesions found in the goat differed to some degree from those found in sheep as the necroses were more distinctly located to the centrilobular area, and as the iron pigments were mainly located in phagocytes in the hepatic sinusóides.