Thalamic projections to motor, prefrontal, and somatosensory cortex in the sheep studied by means of the horseradish peroxidase retrograde transport method

In this study the motor, prefrontal, and somatosensory areas of the sheep cerebral cortex were defined on the basis of their thalamic afferents traced with the horseradish peroxidase method.The motor area (areas 4 and 6) occupies the cruciate gyrus. It receives a substantial projection from the thalamic nuclei ventralis anterior, ventralis lateralis, medialis dorsalis, and centralis lateralis and a smaller one from the nuclei ventralis medialis, centralis medialis, paracentralis, lateralis dorsalis, lateralis posterior, centromedianus, parafascicularis, suprageniculatus, ventralis posterolateralis, and the midline nuclei. Area 4 receives afferents mainly from the nuclei ventralis anterior, ventralis lateralis, medialis dorsalis, and lateralis posterior, whereas area 6 receives afferents mainly from the nuclei ventralis anterior, medialis dorsalis, and lateralis posterior and fewer afferents from the nucleus ventralis medialis.The prefrontal area occupies the gyrus proreus and receives numerous afferents from the nucleus medialis dorsalis and fewer from the nuclei lateralis posterior and ventralis medialis.The area extending between the lateral fissure, the coronal sulcus, the presylvian sulcus, and the rostral branch of the lateral fissure is connected mainly with sensory thalamic nuclei. Thalamic afferents were found to emanate from the nuclei ventralis posteromedialis (its parvicellular part included), ventralis posterolateralis, ventralis medialis, paracentralis, lateralis posterior, medialis dorsalis, centromedianus, suprageniculatus, paraventricularis, the substantia nigra, and the ventral part of the lateral geniculate nucleus. The first somatosensory area (Johnson et al., '74, J. Comp. Neurol. 158:81–108) was found to extend between the coronal, the diagonal, and the anterior suprasylvian sulci and to receive afferents almost exclusively from the nucleus ventralis posteromedialis.

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