Intraoperative radiotherapy for gliomas

Intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) was performed in 20 of 36 patients with glioma; 11 glioblastomas, 7 malignant astrocytomas, 2 benign astrocytomas. Twenty or 25 Gy of irradiation was delivered in a single fraction intraoperatively, followed by external beam irradiation. The electron beam energy was selected so that the 80% isodose line fell at 2 or 3 cm below the residual tumor surface. Median survival time of IORT group was 14 months and that of the control group was 10 months. Difference of survival curve was significant. There were 6 incidences of complication caused by IORT; 1 radionecrosis, 1 convulsion, 1 abscess, and 3 severe brain edemas. IORT is suited for the treatment of malignant gliomas.