Synthetische Juvenilhormone 2. Mitteilung.p‐Substituierte 2‐Methyl‐3‐phenyl‐propen(1)‐carbonsäurederivate

In the second communication the synthesis of para‐substituted 2‐methyl‐3‐phenylpropen(1)‐carboxylic acid derivatives is described: Phenylacetone compounds are formed by decarboxylation of a glycidicester; these react according to theWadsworthEmmons(WittigHorner)‐reaction with the corresponding phosphonates to the title compounds. NMR. data show the formation of the steric isomers of 3‐Phenyl‐2‐methyl‐propen‐1‐ and 3‐Phenyl‐2‐methylpropen‐2‐carboxylic acid derivatives.