Multidimensional mSUGRA likelihood maps

We calculate the likelihood map in the full 7-dimensional parameter space of the minimal supersymmetric standard model assuming universal boundary conditions on the supersymmetry breaking terms. Simultaneous variations of m0, A0, M1/2, tanβ, mt, mb and αs(MZ) are applied using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. We use measurements of bsγ, (g2)μ and ΩDMh2 in order to constrain the model. We present likelihood distributions for some of the sparticle masses, for the branching ratio of Bs0μ+μ and for mτ˜mχ10. An upper limit of 2×108 on this branching ratio might be achieved at the Tevatron, and would rule out 29% of the currently allowed likelihood. If one allows for non-thermal-neutralino components of dark matter, this fraction becomes 35%. The mass ordering allows the important cascade decay q˜Lχ20l˜Rχ10 with a likelihood of 24±4%. The stop-coannihilation region is highly disfavored, whereas the light Higgs region is marginally disfavored.

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