Histidine-Containing Phosphotransfer (HPt) Signal Transducers Implicated in His-to-Asp Phosphorelay in Arabidopsis

His to Asp phosphorelay signal transduction mechanisms involve three types of widespread signaling components: a sensor His-kinase, a response regulator, and a histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) domain. In Arabidopsis, several sensor His-kinases have recently been discovered (e.g., ETR1 and CKI1) through extensive genetic studies. Furthermore, a recent search for response regulators in this higher plant revealed that it possesses a group of response regulators (ARR-series), each of which exhibits the phospho-accepting receiver function. However, no signal transducer containing the HPt domain has been reported. Here we identify three distinct Arabidopsis genes (AHP1 to AHP3), each encoding a signal transducer containing a HPt domain. Both in vivo and in vitro evidence that each AHP can function as a phospho-transmitting HPt domain with an active histidine site was obtained by employing both the Escherichia coli and yeast His-Asp phosphorelay systems. It was demonstrated that AHP1 exhibits in vivo ability to complement a mutational lesion of the yeast YPD1 gene, encoding a typical HPt domain involved in an osmosensing signal transduction. It was also demonstrated that AHPs can interact in vitro with ARRs through the His-Asp phosphotransfer reaction. It was thus suggested that the uncovered sensors-AHPs-ARRs lineups may play important roles in propagating environmental stimuli through the multistep His-Asp phosphorelay in Arabidopsis.