Influence of Cerebral Vasoconstricting and Vasodilating Agents on Blood Flow in Regions of Focal Ischemia

Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) measurements with krypton-85 (100 separate determinations) were compared in squirrel monkeys anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (a cerebral vasoconstrictor) and halothane (a cerebral vasodilator) before, during, and after middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion. Prior to MCA occlusion, a normal physiological response to alterations in arterial carbon dioxide tensions (Paco2) was demonstrated in both groups of monkeys; the cerebral vascular resistance was significantly lower in those anesthetized with halothane. During ischemia, there was loss of autoregulation and a failure to respond to alterations in Paco2, in both groups. Flow in the ischemic region remained uniform in the barbiturate group but decreased progressively in the halothane group, suggesting a "paradoxical response" to the dilating agent. Reactive hyperemia (luxury perfusion) was demonstrated in both groups after restoration of flow. The use of a beta-emitting isotope ensured that measurements in regions of ischemia accurately reflected rCBF and were free of the artifacts ("look through" and Compton scatter) related to use of a gamma-emitting indicator.