Concurrent increases in resistance and transport after coronary obstruction in dogs

We have extended earlier studies on coronary vascular permeability-surface area (PS) for [14C]sucrose to include observations of the transcoronary flow resistance before and after partial occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Multiple-tracer (MT) studies were conducted on 13 anesthetized dogs by inserting an isotope mixture (125I-albumin, 51Cr-red blood cells, [14C]sucrose, 3HOH) into a cannula connecting the carotid and the left anterior descending coronary artery. Analysis of blood sampled from the coronary sinus allowed calculation of PS, extravascular 3HOH volume (VT), and extravascular [14C]sucrose volume (VS). Flow reduction significantly reduced VT and VS and increased PS/VT relative to base line. Coronary resistance distal to the obstruction (R) decreased significantly immediately after flow reduction but then, over the low-flow period, increased significantly above this initial low-flow value. The mean R during reduced flow normalized to R immediately after flow reduction (Ri) correlated significantly with PS/VT during ischemia. Because R/Ri is not correlated with VT alone, we speculate that capillary permeability alterations may play a role in the deterioration of myocardial perfusion during ischemia.