Isolation, culture, and characterization of equine oviduct epithelial cells in vitro

Oviduct epithelial cells (OEC) increasingly are used to support embryonic development and to study gamete interactions with the female reproductive tract in vitro. This series of experiments was designed to characterize monolayers derived from oviduct epithelium. Epithelial cells harvested from the isthmus and ampulla of the oviducts of five estrous mares were cultured with or without the basal lamina extract, Matrigel. Within each group OEC were cultured in the presence of either estradiol-17β or a carrier control. All groups were subcultured three times. Epithelial cell morphology and function were examined by microscopy, analysis of secreted proteins, and immunocytochemistry. Epithelial cells attached more rapidly and reached confluence sooner when cultured on Matrigel than in uncoated wells. Cells showed variable evidence of ciliary activity up to 12 days in primary culture. Cells grown on Matrigel had a more polarized appearance in primary culture than those in uncoated wells, although no morphologic difference between anatomic site of origin or between steroid treated groups was noted. Anatomic site of origin had no effect, and steroid treatment had minimal effects, on patterns of secreted proteins. However, some differences were noted in protein secretion between cells grown with or without Matrigel. These data suggest that culture substrate may affect structure and function of OEC monolayers.