Intermittent Pacemaker Syndrome: Revision of VVI Pacemaker to a New Cardiac Pacing Mode for Tachy‐Brady Syndrome

A patient with tachy‐brady syndrome manifested by paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and symptomatic sinus bradyrardia and treated by VVI pacing developed pacemaker syndrome during episodes of ventricular pacing. His cardiac pacemaker revised to a dual chamber system utilizing the new AV sequential DDI pacing mode which eliminated pacemaker‐related tachycardias and totally abolished the pacemaker syndrome symptoms. There have been no further episodes of atrial fibrillation, possibly due to elimination of temporal dispersion of refractory periods during bra‐dycordin. The propensity for atrial fibrillation has also been minimized by excluding competitive atrial stimulation during DVI pacing. The DDI mode provides the clinician increased utility und flexibility in the use of AV sequential pacing therapy.

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