The primary goal of this paper is to show how second derivative information can be used in an effective way in structural optimization problems. The basic idea is to generate such an information at the expense of only one more ‘virtual load case’ in the sensitivity analysis part of the finite element code. To achieve this goal a primal–dual approach is employed, that can also be interpreted as a sequential quadratic programming method.Another objective is to relate the proposed method to the well known family of approximation concepts techniques, where the primary optimization problem is transformed into a sequence of non‐linear explicit subproblems. When restricted to diagonal second derivatives, the new approach can be viewed as a recursive convex programming method, similar to the ‘Convex Linearization’ method (CONLIN), and to its recent generalization, the ‘Method of Moving Asymptotes’ (MMA).This new method has been successfully tested on simple problems that can be solved in closed form, as well as on sizing optimization of trusses. In all cases the method converges faster than CONLIN, MMA or other approximation techniques based on reciprocal variables.

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