Resistance Fluctuations Due to Hydrogen Diffusion in Niobium Thin Films

Fluctuations of the number of protons (H+) that scatter conduction electrons dominate lowfrequency resistance fluctuations in Nb films. The excess-noise spectra SV(f, T) obey a scaling law: fSV(f, T)δV2(T)=g(fD(T)); for our geometry at 260<T<370 K, SV(f, T)c0(T)fα, α=0 for fD(πL2) and α=32 for fD(πL2), c0 is the H+ concentration, L is the film length, and the H+ diffusion coefficient is D(T)=D0eEkT with D(300 K)106 cm2/s and E0.23 eV. Studies of 1f noise evoke comparable mechanisms.