Electrical cortical energy production, as determined by the strength of the alpha rhythm, is low in schizophrenic and toxic-organic psychoses. It is increased above the average for control subjects, in the affective reactions, including manic-depressive psychoses, and many paranoid states. A theory is advanced on the basis of these and other findings suggesting that schizophrenia is due to a low energy cortex secondary to a primary diencephalic inadequacy. Manic-depressive reactions are considered to be the result of a high energy cortex secondary to a primary overactive diencephalon. The low energy cortex of the “organic” reactions is probably primary in the cortex itself. Treatment efforts should probably be directed toward increasing the cortical energy output in schizophrenia and decreasing it in manic-depressive reactions. Pathologic delta wave output parallels fairly closely the temporary disturbance of the sensorium of the functional cases or the permanent deterioration of the chronic and organic cases.

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